Naveria Juices for your Detox Program in Fiji

During your daily Detox you will be given a series of healthy shakes, which are made up of fresh fruit and natural nutritional leaves.
Naveria Heights Lodge offers all our Detox and Wellness guests *Moringa leaves and Kura as part of all our wellness and Detox programs. Moringa is a tree that is found all over Fiji. Its leaves are traditionally used for medicinal purposes and are widely known as the best Natural Toxin Cleanser.
Modern scientific research is proving that *Moringa leaves are one of the richest sources of nutrients, carrying a high potential of well being assisting in healthy weight loss and maintenance. Moringa leafs are also an excellent natural source for absorbing toxins safely.
Kura is another traditional natural medicine intended for well being and used for many different purposes. Kura is widely used for boosting the immune system and promoting a healthy regime.
During your Detox at Naveria you will learn allot more about both Moringa and Kura.